Identified Neurons in the Abdominal Ganglion of Aplysia californica

This is a list of identified cell types in the abdominal ganglion, listing the cell name, its aliases (if any), the number of neurons in that class, the year of discovery, and the reference. It is possible that this list is incomplete–if you find an error, please report it.

Left Cells

Cell AKA Number Year Ref
L1 1 1967 8
L2 1 1967 8
L3 1 1967 8
L4 1 1967 8
L5 1 1967 8
L6 1 1967 8
L7 1 1967 8
L8 1 1967 8
L9-G1 1 1967 8
L9-G2 1 1969 16
L10 int I 1 1967 8
L11 1 1967 8
L12 1 1967 8
L13 1 1967 8
L14a 1 1967 8
L14b 1 1977 5
L14c 1 1977 5
L15 Int VI 1 1967 20
L16 Int XIV 1 1981 11
L17 !
L18 1 1974 2
L19 Int XV 1 1977 14
L20A Int XVI 1 1969 21
L20B 1 1977 14
L21 Int XVII 1 1969 21
L22 Int XVIII 3 1981 11
L23 1 1981 11
L24 Int XI 1 1978 4
L25 part of Int II 7 1978 4
L26 part of Int II 1 1978 4
L27 part of Int II 1 1978 4
L28 1 1981 11
L29 5 1981 11
L30 3 1981 11
L31 3 1980 3
L32 5 1980 3
L33 2 1995 10
L34 2 1995 10
L35 2 1995 10
LBs1 1 1979 18
LBs2 1 1979 18
LBs3 1 1979 18
LBvc1 1 1974 17
LBvc2 1 1974 17
LBvc3 1 1974 17
LCp 1 1977 14
LCk 1 1977 14
LDg1 1 1969 [16
LDg2 1 1969 [16
LDs1 1 1979 18
LDs2 1 1979 18
LDs3 1 1979 18
Ldhe 1 1974 17
Ldhi 2 1974 17
LFSa 3 1988 9
LFSb 4 1988 9
LFSb-t1 1995 12
LFSb-t2 1995 12
LFSb-t3 1995 12

Right Cells

R1 1 1967 8
R2 1 1967 8
R3-13 6 1967 8
R6 1 1986 19
R7 1 1986 19
R8 1 1986 19
R11 1 1986 19
R14 1 1967 8
R15 1 1967 8
R16 1 1967 8
R17 (Rbhe) 1 1974 17
R18 1 1980 3
R19a 1 1980 3
R19b 1 1980 3
R20 2 1989 1
R25 14 1989 13
RDg 1 1974 15
RDs 1 1979 18

Cell Groups

LA bag cells 1967 8
LB * 1967 8
LC * 1967 8
LD * 1967 8
LE 25 1974 2
rLE 26 1991 7
RA bag cells 1967 8
RB 28 1967 8
RC * 1967 8
RD * 1967 8
RE 27 1974 2
RF 20 1980 3

* Note that the LB, LC, LD, RC, and RD clusters are more representative of ‘regions’ rather than homogenous cell types, and have never been enumerated.

! Haven’t yet found a primary reference for this cell

Aplysia References:

1. Alevizos A, Weiss KR, Koester J (1989) SCP-containing R20 neurons modulate respiratory pumping in AplysiaJ Neurosci 9:3058-3071.

2. Byrne J, Castellucci V, Kandel ER (1974) Receptive fields and response properties of mechanoreceptor neurons innervating siphon skin and mantle shelf in AplysiaJ Neurophysiol 37:1041-1064.

3. Byrne JH (1980) Neural circuit for inking behavior in Aplysia californicaJ Neurophysiol 43:896-911.

4. Byrne JH, Koester J (1978) Respiratory pumping: neuronal control of a centrally commanded behavior in AplysiaBrain Res 143:87-105.

5. Carew TJ, Kandel ER (1977) Inking in Aplysia californica. I. Neural circuit of an all-or-none behavioral response. J Neurophysiol 40:692-707.

6. Coggeshall, R.E. (1967). A light and electron microscope study of the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia californicaJ Neurophysiol 30:1265-1287.

7. Dubuc B, Castellucci VF (1991) Receptive fields and properties of a new cluster of mechanoreceptor neurons innervating the mantle region and the branchial cavity of the marine mollusk Aplysia californicaJ Exp Biol 156:315-334.

8. Frazier W, Kandel E, Kupfermann R, Waziri R, Coggeshall R (1967) Morphological and functional properties of identified neurons in the abdominal ganglion. J Neurophysiol 30:1288-1351.

9. Frost WN, Clark GA, Kandel ER (1988) Parallel processing of short-term memory for sensitization in AplysiaJ Neurobiol 19:297-334.

10. Frost WN, Kandel ER (1995) Structure of the network mediating siphon-elicited siphon withdrawal in AplysiaJ Neurophysiol 73:2413-2427.

11. Hawkins RD, Castellucci VF, Kandel ER (1981) Interneurons involved in mediation and modulation of gill-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. I. Identification and characterization. J Neurophysiol 45:304-314.

12. Hickie C, Walters ET (1995) Motor neuronal control of tail-directed and head-directed siphon responses in Aplysia californicaJ Neurophysiol 74:307-321.

13. Koester J (1989) Chemically and electrically coupled interneurons mediate respiratory pumping in Aplysia. J Neurophysiol 62:1113-1126.

14. Koester J, Kandel ER (1977) Further identification of neurons in the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia using behavioral criteria. Brain Res 121:1-20.

15. Kupfermann I, Carew TJ, Kandel ER (1974) Local, reflex, and central commands controlling gill and siphon movements in AplysiaJ Neurophysiol 37:996-1019.

16. Kupfermann I, Kandel ER (1969) Neuronal controls of a behavioral response mediated by the abdominal ganglion of AplysiaScience 164:847-850.

17. Mayeri E, Koester J, Kupfermann I, Liebeswar G, Kandel ER (1974) Neural control of circulation in Aplysia. I. Motoneurons. J Neurophysiol 37:458-475.

18. Perlman AJ (1979) Central and peripheral control of siphon-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia californica. J Neurophysiol 42:510-529.

19. Rittenhouse AR, Price CH (1986) Electrophysiological and anatomical identification of the peripheral axons and target tissues of Aplysia neurons R3-14 and their status as multifunctional, multimessenger neurons. J Neurosci 6:2071-2084.

20. Wachtel H, Kandel ER (1967) A direct synaptic connection mediating both excitation and inhibition. Science 158:1206-1208.

21. Waziri R (1969) Electrical transmission mediated by an identified cholinergic neuron of Aplysia. Life Sci 8:469-476.

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