Detailed Instructions about each page of NeuronBank are available in the Help Wiki.
There are 4 types of users, each has different privileges:
- Guests: Can browse and search any branch.
- Go to Searching to learn about the search capabilities
- Go to Searching to learn about the search capabilities
- Registered Users: Can browse and search and edit the Help Wiki.
- Go to Creating Accounts to learn how to register
- Go to Creating Accounts to learn how to register
- Contributors: Have permission to edit information content on particular branches.
- Go to Editing Knowledge to learn about this
- Go to Editing Knowledge to learn about this
- Branch Administrators: Give permission to Contributors to edit. Can edit the ontology for a branch.
- Go to Editing Ontology to learn about this capability.
- Go to Editing Ontology to learn about this capability.
Each branch of NeuronBank contains information about neurons and synaptic connectivity for a single species. Go to Branch Listing to see the current list of active branches.
If you are a researcher working on a species that is not listed, go to Starting a Branch to find out about creating a new branch of NeuronBank.