Resources for using NeuronBank

  • Help Wiki – This wiki provides page-by-page help and tips for using NeuronBank. It also allows registered users to add tips.
  • NeuronBank Users List Serve – This listserve is for users who want to discuss issues regarding the use and development of NeuronBank.
  • Additional links – for Informatics, Institutions, and external tools.

Internal Links:

  • NeuronBank Users Mailing List (public)
  • NeuronBank Development Wiki (internal use)
  • Developers Mailing List (internal use)


  • Aplysia Home Tank (via the Wayback Machine)
  • BrainML
  • Cell-Centered Database (CCDB)
  • Collation of Cortical Data (CoCoDat)
  • Identified Neuron Database Project
  • Neocortical Microcircuit Database
  • Neuroinformatics Portal
  • Senselab, including ModelDB, NeuronDB, CellPropDB, OdorDB, ORDB,
  • OdorMapDB, BrainPharm
  • SFN Neuroscience Database Gateway
  • Wormbase
  • Zfin- Zebrafish Information Network


  • Center for Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Georgia State University
  • GSU Brains and Behaviors program
  • GSU Center for Neuromics
  • GSU Biology
  • NIMH -Neuroinformatics
  • Society for Neuroscience
  • Ontology Resources:
  • Animal Behavior Ontology (ABO)
  • Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO)
  • Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
  • Web Ontology Language (OWL)


  • Algernon
  • Protege
  • Chimaera

In June 2006, an External Advisory Board reviewed the progress of the NeuronBank project.

The Committee consisted of:

  • Ronald Calabrese, Emory University
  • Nirav C. Merchant, University of Arizona
  • Shamkant B. Navathe, Georgia Tech
  • Karen J. Thompson, Agnes Scott College
  • Monte Westerfield, University of Oregon