Using NeuronBank

Detailed Instructions about each page of NeuronBank are available in the Help Wiki.

There are 4 types of users, each has different privileges:

  1. Guests: Can browse and search any branch.
    Go to Searching to learn about the search capabilities
  2. Registered Users: Can browse and search and edit the Help Wiki.
    Go to Creating Accounts to learn how to register
  3. Contributors: Have permission to edit information content on particular branches.
    Go to Editing Knowledge to learn about this
  4. Branch Administrators: Give permission to Contributors to edit. Can edit the ontology for a branch.

Go to Editing Ontology to learn about this capability.
Each branch of NeuronBank contains information about neurons and synaptic connectivity for a single species. Go to Branch Listing to see the current list of active branches.

If you are a researcher working on a species that is not listed, go to Starting a Branch to find out about creating a new branch of NeuronBank.


There are three ways to search NeuronBank:

  • Simple Search
  • Advanced Search
  • Anatomical Search

Searches can be carried out within a branch or broadcast across branches.

Specific instructions for searching can be found on the Help Wiki.

Creating Accounts

Users can register with NeuronBank by going to the NewAccount. You will need to enter your e-mail address. This information will be used for validation purposes. Creating an Account on NeuronBank grants you previleges beyond searching. All registered users can edit the Help Wiki.

Registered Users can request permission to edit knowledge on specific branches. The permissions are granted by the Branch Administrator.

Go to the Help Wiki to learn more about Account Functions.

Editing Knowledge

Users with editing and administration permission can edit the knowledge content of a NeuronBank Branch. You can request permission to edit under My Account.

If you do not have permission to edit, but you find errors in the information, please use the Report Problem or Report Bug button on the top right of the screen. Be as specific about the error as you can. Include your e-mail address so that we can follow up with you.

Editing Ontology

The Ontology is the data model for the database. It is the way that knowledge is described. NeuronBank has a core ontology that describes the basic objects that are common to all branches.
In addition, there are extensible properties that can be edited to customize each branch to the needs of the individual communities. Within a branch, it is possible to browse the ontology. Only Branch Administrators have the ability to edit the attributes of that branch.

Starting a Branch

Information about each species is stored on a separate branch. Branch Listing shows the list of existing branches. If you are interested in starting a branch for the species that is not on that list, please contact Paul Katz (pkatz (at) In your message, please give the name of the species and the names of other researchers in your community who would be interested in maintaining the branch. NeuronBank will host the branch on our servers. There may be a maintenance fee for services instituted in the future.